Monday, July 6, 2009

It's July -Now What?

It's July. So much has happened this year. The year started off pretty good with me setting goals and putting one foot in front of the other and actually getting them accomplished (one being to start blogging) My brother and his family (that's 7 people) moved in with me. I can not begin to talk about the good, bad and ugly of that. Man-child is always trying to find new and creative ways to deceive me - gee, I am glad I was not born yesterday. My biggest disappointment with him was not being able to see him participate in the graduation ceremony. (I guess thinking on it now - I am glad it was the 8Th grade ceremony and not High School). The doctor gave me blood pressure pills - this is a battle I have been fighting with for over a year so I wasn't really surprised when it finally happened. My weight has plateaued -it's been the same for the past six months. I missed a few book signings and girl-friend get-togethers that I really wanted to attend. My reading Mojo has dropped - the desire has not been there lately. There has been several celebrity deaths that have left me speechless - Farrah Fawcett (yes, I wanted hair like her back in the day) and Michael Jackson - I won't comment on his death because I could not say anything more to what has already been said. I had to endure furlough days but THANKFUL I was able to go to work each day and enjoyed the stress of it.

So now, I sigh.... What's next for the remainder of the year. Well, I am going to get back up on my horse and keep on going... My brother and family has moved out; Man-child is still on lock down (which puts me on lock down too but I plan on taking little trips for me); juggling and thinking about refinancing; jazzed up my resume (never know what I may find); second goal to accomplish - STOP BITTING MY NAILS -I wanta get a manicure :-) ; restructure my homemade weight lose plan and do something different; look forward to what comes next.

What do you have planned??


  1. I admire your ability to ALWAYS get back on your horse. And kids do think their parents are clueless - the world only began when they were born! (lol) As far as a get-away, just come on across the bridge!

  2. 'Cilla, once again I applaud you in staying strong for all those around you. Stay the course with man-child. He'll realize why you did all that you did later on in his life. As for me I'm just going to school and completing stories that I've been writing for a while. It time to write new things.

  3. Glad you are starting to get a little peace. New is always exciting! These kids just don't know and when they find out, it's too Stay the course Cilla, you're doing an excellent job with man-child!

  4. JC-I think you comment sent me a subliminal

  5. Hey Priscilla...on some days if I would have known in advance how unrewarding parenthood could be at times I would have thought more before I did it...LOL. Glad to hear that you have your house back, that you're keeping Manchild on the right track and that you're making some ME TIME too sis because there's only one you! Luv ya,

  6. You'll survive man-child--and he will too.

    Life changes, and I admire you for going with it--and for your big heart. Hang in there.

  7. Like others have said, I admire your strength and tenacity and dedication to make a differene in Man-child's life. One day he will appreciate it. Congratulations on getting your house back.

  8. I always admire your stength and caring nature. And yes, life has thrown you a couple of curve balls this year but you have taken all in strive.

    As for the manicure - go-ahead & get it - so everytime you look at your nails you will feel good & not want to bite them.
