Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Revelation Pt 2

As the summer begins to wind down and everyone begins to prepare for back-to-school, I also begin to think of all the things Man-child and I did this summer. First, we were-strike that-I was excited about his summer job. Man-child thought the idea of working was insane. After his first week, he said it was ok. One point for me.

Second, I got a call from his school. He was selected to participate in an honors program that was being sponsored thru Johns Hopkins University. I thougt he would scream. Man-child just said "Ok". At the end of the program, he said it was Ok. Two points for me

Next, his mentoring group went to Atlanta. They toured Morehouse College, CNN and the Coca Cola company. Man-child refused to go but I put him on the bus. He liked it. He really liked Morehouse and when he came home, he started looking at colleges on the internet. Wow!! Three points for me.

Then, I went to NY for the Harlem Book Festival. He did not want to hang out with me and my "book club friends". Again, I put him on the bus. He really enjoyed himself. He liked Sonya Sanchez (he thought she was a rapper), Wes Moore and the graphic artist and authors. Another point for me.

My revelation - WHAT IN THE HECK WAS I WORRIED ABOUT? Raising my son has been difficult for me (I know - raising any child is difficult). Man-child and I do not have any thing in common and finding things to occupy his time is stressful. Despite his complaining and whining, he always manage to learn something or likes it. So, as I sit here watching him fold his laundry (he hasn't washed in two weeks and he has been walking around my house in his boxers- I've had enough, I realize that it has been a pretty good summer. Now, preparing for 10th grade - Ugggggg... get ready!!


  1. Nice...loved this blog and yes Man-child is growing up.

  2. He's growing up, better yet, maturing!!
    That's great, so happy that all turned out well.

  3. Girl, all I can do is laugh. Both of you are growing up. Love you!

  4. 'Cilla. I love reading your blog. I can't wait until my internet back so that I can catch up. You are doing a great job. I would vote you M0M oF THE YEAR

  5. You are doing a fantastic job. Don't forget the MITES program for next summer. My daughter went and LOVED it.


  6. How wonderful, nd you guys have a lot in common, you two love each other...

  7. What a wonderful learning adventure for both of you. He learned things about colleges and authors, etc.; and 'Cilla you're learning you are doing an awesome job with your son and don't need to worry about him so much. He's truly a great young man. Always great to hear/read success stories.

  8. Love, love, love it. You have to drag him kickin' and screamin' and he ends up liking all the things you push him to do. I think he is just messing with you and it has become a game. You say he has to XYZ, he complains, is against it. And then he goes and despite himself, he loves it and can't help but show it. The rest of high school should be interesting.

  9. I love that he is "getting it". Well with some pushes from mommy. It gives me hope for this 12year old I have coming up. Boys are so different to understand.

  10. 'Cilla,

    What a great summer you and Man-Child had. Congratulations! You're doing an excellent job raising him.


