Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Conversation and the Demonstration

Something Man-child and I never do is watch television together. I watch a couple reality shows, Turner Classics, plenty of reruns, and a few others. Man-child watches cartoon and anime specials.

A commerical comes on advertising bras. Man-child yells "Yuck - I hate these commericals". I tell him "it's no different than a swim suit". So he asks "why do they show that woman stuff on TV anyway".

Ok... I am looking at him like he is crazy. "What are you talking about?" He sits up and says "Mom, they put those tampon and other stuff like that on tv - I don't want to see it". Now I am really looking at him. "What's the big deal - they show all types of Commerials on tv - to keep people informed, choices in products, to get people to buy/sell stuff". Anyway, we go back and forth and getting no where.

Then, a condom commerical comes on. He gets quiet. Hmmmm... I ask him "do you know how to put on a condom?" He says "Who said I was having sex?" Hmmmmm.... He did not answer the question. I asked him again. He said "since I am not having sex, I don't need to know how to put it on". Wrong answer. I told him to get me a banana from the kitchen. When I got up, I went to my stash in the closet (prayed that they were still in good condition). When he came back, I took the banana (we did not have a cucumber) and started to show him how to roll it on. His face frowned up. "MA... That's nasty - why do you have Condoms - and How come you know how to use them!! "Boy please - would you rather learn from me or wrong from your friend and someone gets pregnant". He did not say anything. He just watched me (and the banana was not a good model) but he got the point.

He left the room and I just laughed. I never answered his questions either. Think he got the point :-)


  1. Oh that was too funny. I don't know how you managed to keep a straight face.

  2. rotflmao...loved it...very good...who knew commercials would lead to you showing him how to use a condom properly...hehe.

  3. Too funny. I guess you left him speechless and scratching his head.

  4. LMAO...that is too funny. I bet he won't complain about commercials anytime soon around you again.

  5. Hi Sis:

    I LOVE this story!!

    Wonder if he'll comment on commericals, again? I think not - LOL!!

    Love ya

  6. Cilla - I just love you. At least you are keeping it real and he can't say that you didn't try to explain anything to him. Just loved this blog!!!!

  7. I would LOVE to have been a fly on the wall to see the look on his face!! lol But being a young man, he doesn't want to see things about a female that can cause an arousal. He wants to see what a "man" needs to do. He also doesn't want to know his mom has knowledge of sex; he arrived by immaculate conception!! LMAO!!

  8. These posts R priceless! I love the new look here, too! Sending HUGZ as alwayz:-)

  9. I have a lot of male students who say the SAME things. LOL. It took me a while to figure out they hate it because they don't know what to do with the arousal it causes or the sexual thoughts. They hate that they can't control it (not the tampons...they really are sqeamish but curious about that! LOL. Bras, etc. though get them to fantasizing)and to have that in the house where your MOM can see...yeah, I'd hate it too. LOL. With no release and no way to control it...not a good time. As usual, you handled it beautifully.
