Sunday, December 5, 2010

Man-child and the Lie Part II

Once I got home from dropping Man-child off, I was angry. I thought I should have stayed and just made his night terrible. Instead, I sat home watching the clock. I kept going over the conversation in my head and I could not believe he tried to pull a quick on me. But I wanted to be ready to to meet this girl's momma. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, changed my shirt, grabbed the short jacket and scarf and I jumped in the car.

A trip that usually takes thirty minutes I think only took me twenty minutes. I parked the car in front of the threatre to make sure I would not miss them coming out (and you know I was a little ticked off with that security guard who kept telling me to move my car). Man-child and Olympus walked out of the threatre holding hands. Pleeasssse. When he noticed the car he came running with this big grin on his face and said "Ma, Imma catch the subway with Olympus and her friend". That's when I noticed the other girl. Where did she come from. I told Man-child "Oh no, it's already 7:45 and by the time you get home it will be late. I don't mind taking your friends home. Get in NOW!!. Olympus says "My mother doesn't like for me to ride in cars with strangers so I'll catch the subway". I am sitting there thinking "Who the Hell do you think you are fooling?" I gave her my cell phone and said " Sweetie, call you MOM and let me talk to her cause it's really not a problem and I want to make sure you are safe". By this time Man-child is looking worried and the other girl was looking in the sky for a miracle.

Olympus called her Mom. I told her that I was at the threatre and I would bring her home since it was late. The Mom said "Thank you but she can get the subway home. I'll have her step-dad pick her up at the last stop". Again, I told her that it was cold and it was really no problem. She insisted that I take her daughter to the subway. I said ok. I drove them to a subway station - not the one around the corner cause I still was not satisfied - I wanted some answers. The other young lady was her friend, Angel, who just happened to be there with someone else and decided to go home with Olympus. Hmmmmmmmm....... No one said anything in the car. When we got to the subway station, Man-child walked them to the entrance and gave Olympus a hug. YUCK!!

When we got home, Man-child was so happy. I just looked at him. I asked him "I wonder why I could not take her home? Don't you think that is strange?" He just said "I don't want to get mixed up in their family business". Well what in the hell is that supposed to mean?? I sat Man-child down and told him " You have to be careful who you choose to get involved with. This doesn't sound or appear right at all. And before you decided to go on anymore dates, or whatever you want to call you better check out the parents, brothers, sisters, friends and anybody else they know. And the next time something like this occurs, it will NOT be Pretty". He just gave me a hug and said "I sorry".. Yeah right, until next time.


  1. What's up that the mother not letting you take her home? Sounds suspect to me. I hope he doesn't really like this girl because it sounds like trouble.

  2. That is exactly what I am thinking Uranie

  3. Yeap - something does not sound right about that household. And then Man-Child's comment in not getting involved in their family business. Does the step-father not allow the girl to doe coed things and so the mother was covering.
    Why would I not want my daughter to get a ride home and meet the parent of the guy my daughter went to the movies with.

    But, you handled the situation correctly like most parents would have.

  4. That doesn't sound right at all. Man-child had best be careful.

  5. Why wouldn't a mother rather her daughter ride the subway than get a ride to her door? Something isn't right in that situation... But you're keeping vigilant and doing the right thing, as usual...

  6. Cilla,

    I was hoping that this would turn out right for Geoffrey and your sake but after the statement from the Momma even me a teenagers Mom doesn't like the sound of that. But then again there maybe some embrassment there about the household; if that's the cause she could have said she would meet you somewhere for coffee, tea. Praying that this will work out but I'm like you gotta know those parents before you can condone a "Friendship". Good luck Sweetie.

  7. It does seem strange, the mama's reaction. No way I'd let my daughter get on a subway rather than accept a ride from another mother. But then, we don't have subways down here in Texas. Maybe she thought you were the ruse. At some point, you just gonna have to trust the boy. It seems he may know something about the situation that you don't yet.

  8. I'm agreeing with everyone else; something isn't right. This was the perfect opportunity for the moms to meet. You gave him some good advice and food for thought. It might not sink in but eventually he will find that mother knows best. The truth will come out or maybe next week they won't stand each other. LOL

  9. Lawd, lawd, lawd---the things our teenagers put us through! Well, you handled the situation correctly Cilla, but something stinks in B'more.
