Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Giving Thanks

Looking back on the year 2011, it has been interesting.  I struggled with caring for my brother, who was shot in February; taking a new job with a 12% pay cut, furlough days, threat of foreclosure on my house, babysitting for my niece EVERY weekend; and finally, losing my car.  Despite it all, I gave Thanks to The Creator; I am Grateful for what I was have; and  I have counted my Blessings as I managed to overcome it all and kept it moving.  Most of all I am Thankful and very Proud of my Man-child.

With everything I’ve had to endure, Man-child has quietly been my rock.  I remember coming home exhausted after visiting my brother and talking with doctors.  Man-child would rub my back and he always had a cup of tea waiting for me.  He never complained when I told him I could not afford a few dollars for a movie or game that he wanted.  He helps with my nieces’ kids, even though they get in his things.  We walks 6 blocks to the grocery store with me and he doesn't complain when we have extra bags to carry home.  He has even learned how to go to the grocery store by himself with a list and get everything I ask for (with a few things for himself on the side).  Man-child has learned how to go to the bank and make deposits into my account and how to pay bills.   He doesn't complain when I have him do things over and over again.  He has defiantly been my every thing.

A few weeks ago, I bumped into a mother of one of his friends.  I had not seen her or her son in at least 2 years.  When I asked her how her son was doing, she said he was in jail for beating a man over a cigarette.  We talked and I tried to be as encouraging as I could.  I wished her well and told her I would pray for her and her son.  As I walked home, I thought about Man-child and how Grateful and Blessed I am to have such a wonderful young man.   When I got in the house, I hugged and kissed him just because.

I don't know what 2012 has in store for us.  I continue to walk in Faith, count my Blessing and Give Thanks for my son. 


  1. You've come a long way, Baby! All your hard work and worry and prayers is paying off.

  2. Girl, I am so proud of your growth and Man-child's maturity I could boo-hoo. I will continue praying for you both, but please know how proud I am of you both.

  3. Cilla, what an amazing young man you have raised. The struggles only makes us stronger and Ms.Lady you are definitely a "MIGHTHY" strong women. Keep your head up and keep sending up the praise.


  4. With so many of our young men falling into the same predicaments as the son of the woman you spoke to, I can see why you'd give Man-Child a hug just because. Growing into, what sounds like, a rather responsible young man, he's had a chance to show you what a wonderful mom you've been to him even through the toughest times. Overall faith has shown itself key and I pray that the blessings will continue to unfold for you.

  5. Very touching! You can give yourself a proud, "job well done"!
    Look back and smile!

  6. Tell Man-Child his Aunties love him !!!

  7. You are a true believer. I know it has been hard but you kept your head up. I am so proud to call you friend.
