Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The start of a New Journey

It is hard to believe that the summer has come and gone so quickly.  Since Man-child’s graduation, everything has been moving at full speed.  There was little time for fun because he worked and I was engrossed in school.  Time proved that it waits for no one. In July, he spent a a week on campus to get acquainted with dorms, placement testing, selecting a schedule and meeting advisers.   He said it was no big deal but he enjoyed it.

Getting him ready for the fall semester was difficult.  There was the issue of whether he received enough financial aid to cover it, applying for loans and packing his things.  As always, Man –child moves at his own pace causing my anxiety level to increase.  Weeks, days went by quickly and we seemed to be at a stand-still.  All I could do was BREATH and continue to have faith.

Finally, the week arrived for him to check into the dorm and Man-child had not packed a thing.  Everything on my list was packed and waiting.  Man-child insisted that he had time.   As a matter of fact he waited until the day he was scheduled to move in to pack – correction to wash his clothes in order to pack.  Talk about going crazy. I should have listened to Debbi when she said “pack the dirty clothes and keep it moving”.  He moved at a snail’s pace.  I sat and watched and tried to be patient.  Then it hit me – maybe, he was nervous and was prolonging the move.  Hmmmm…… Nevertheless, he finally got it together, we packed the van and headed to Morgan State University.  Of course, he complained because I took pictures of everything but like I said, "Since I am paying for it, I can take as many pictures as I want". 

Man –child is a lot like me… he prefers to do it himself and not ask for help.  He would not let me carry anything to the room (the dorm doesn't have an elevator so he carried everything –including the refrigerator) by himself.  I tried to help him unpack and he only fussed some more.  I laughed when we met his roommate – a Washington Redskins fan.  Man child does not like football.   He unpacked that HUGE computer he spent the summer building and slowly began putting his side of the room together. I stood in the door and watched.  It was not until he hung a picture of the Beatles on his wall that my face drew a blank.   I was speechless and so was his roommate.   I was expecting a picture of one of those anime characters he likes or that Family Guy character that everyone thinks is funny. I smiled.   I realized then that my son was going to be more than alright.

The first week was difficult because he did not call at all.  When he finally called, the first thing he said was “it’s hard trying to take care of myself”.  I asked if he was having any problems and he just explained his trips to the bookstore, finding classes, remembering to eat, and checking his email.  He surprised me when he told me he registered for work study and a mentoring group.   Man child said he wanted to try to work to help with his tuition since he did not follow through with the scholarship applications.  I just smiled.  I also reminded him that school is still his first priority and the money will come. 

I have miss him being in the house and yelling at him just because I can.  I miss hearing that funny Japanese music he sometimes listen to.  I really miss my SON.   I am even more PROUD of the young man The Creator has Blessed me with raise.  



  1. Hey mom thanks for sharing your thoughts...and we're going to be okay with our baby cubs away...and they will be okay...we've trained them now they need to fly and they will...just in their time and sometimes with a kick to the butt...:) xoxo

    1. Yasmin.. you know I am in tears, but you are right. Just be near the phone when I have to call for a pick-me-up ((Hugs))

  2. That was so beautiful and LOL funny...he is going to be just fine MOM...you done good...LOL

  3. Must be some sort of ritual, Paige didn't call me at all the first week either. Just about killed me. And she eventually acknowledged how hard it is taking care of herself too. So much of what you said parallels my experience with my daughter last year. Now she starts her second year and I promise you it is better. Difficult adjustment, yes, but it gets better. Know that you've done a great job raising him and he will not only survive, but thrive!!

    Cathy A.

  4. Oh Cilla ((sniff, sniff))that was so touching. And we got pictures to boot. You and Man-child are gonna be fine as you grow and navigate his journey to adulthood. You'll be leaning on the Lord and trusting Him for guidance. And we'll all be there, smiling and praying. Congratulations on this new phase. You're a survivor!

  5. Hey. Any kid that has the famous Abbey Rd pic on his wall is going to be fine. You'll be fine, too, mama. Love to you both. Looking forward to more updates.

  6. For some reason I cried when I read this, Cilla. The both of you will be fine. I just can't wait to see the man he becomes; he's already on his way. Love you!

  7. Manchilld will be alright because he had the best example. So proud of both of you,.

  8. What everybody else said!! He can't help but to be alright....look who he has for a teacher!!!!!!!!!

  9. Awww! Thanks for sharing your experiences. The adjustment will be difficult but he's going to be just fine and so will you.


  10. Man-child is going to be alright. You have done a great job raising him. Whether you want to believe it or not, he was listening to you.

  11. 'Cilla, I'm moved to tears. So beautiful. So proud of you and Man-child.
