Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Practicing What You Preach

Everyone knows about my battle with Man-child and his bedroom. The rule of the house is "Your room is Your Space to do what ever you want; however, it can not resemble or smell like a pig's pen". I can not tell you the battles we have had and the trash I have carted out of his room in the last year.

Two days ago, I went to his room to ask him a question and I stopped in my tracks. There were clothes everywhere, water bottles, paper and stuff. UGGGG ... I could not go past the door. I simply turned and left. He came running ... "Mommy, I know what you are going to say and Imma' clean my room later today. I promise". I said nothing. After all, what else could I say that has not been said before. So, I went to my bedroom and then I had to stop again in my tracks. OMG!!! My room was a mess.

Since I have been working extra hours at the bookstore, I have been too tired to clean and things have just settled where ever I've dropped them. I had about six pairs of sandals and two pairs of sneakers in the middle of the floor; at least three weeks of mail on the dresser that I needed to sort; a pile of blouses that needed to go to the dry cleaners; I'd purchased some new bed pillows,towels and wash cloths and they were still in the bags in the corner;a laundry basket that needed to be folded; my niece's toys (from the weekend I babysat); and a stack of books that I'd read and did not place on the shelves; and five empty water bottles. I was GUILTY of being a slob.

So, I cleaned my room. It took me two hours and it looks sooo much better. Man-child came in my room and said "Dang, What happened in here"? I said "What are you talking about"? We just looked at each other real goofy like for a minute and he walked away. When I came home from work the next day, half of his room was cleaned.

Can you see me SMILE!!


  1. LOL - I so the Man-child stories

    one of the reasons that I like to know when my grands are coming over so I can make sure that my house is straight. Little that they know that it could have been in shambles minutes before they rang the bell.

  2. What's that saying, do as I say, not what I do. LOL. This was great. Loved it. I'm sure you will have more stories now that he has started high school.

  3. Thanks everyone....I am learning the power of words and my actions.:-)

  4. Oh Cilla, that was priceless! Maybe you & Man-child are at a crossroad and the road won't be as bumpy. Fingers crossed. :-)

  5. AWWWWW! That was the SWEETEST post! I LOVE IT! Now, I wish someone would come help me clean my roomZZZ. LOL!!

  6. LOL! I'm smiling with you. :)

    Isn't it funny how a place gets untidy when you're looking in the other direction?



  7. LOL! I'm smiling with you. :)

    Isn't it funny how a place can get untidy when you're looking in the other direction?



  8. LOL! I'm smiling with you. :)

    Isn't it funny how a place can get untidy when you're looking in the other direction?


